A One-Stop-Shop for Professionals to

Learn the Skills Necessary to Thrive at Work

alt-MBA Master Classes - alt-Mentors™ - Peer Communities- Internship Board

Watch Testimonials Below


the first course leveled up the lives of

these members forever…


Emelee, a recent University of California business degree graduate , shares how Mission to Launch equipped her to live in the professional world as a Christian-Catholic - in ways her UC school never prepared her for.

Koji, a former Culture Project and NET missionary, discusses his “head to heart” moment from Mission to Launch.

Michaela, a former FOCUS missionary shares how in the first course Mission to Launch has impacted her life and launched her into her dream of working in fashion.

Maria, a hospitality professional, shares (in Spanish) how Mission to Launch has impacted her life.

Noreen, graduated from the US Naval Academy and serves in the US Navy, is pumped about Mission to Launch and shares how the experience has positively impacted her life.


Get to know your instructors…

15+ Courses offered in 2021 in English & Spanish

Dr. Jean Kahwajy, MS, MBA, PhD Stanford University

Cecilia Pappas - NFL Stylist - Entrepreneur

Ready to level up at work?


Select alt-Mentors

When you enroll in Mission to Launch you receive access to world class executives and leaders. Check out the select videos below for just a few of the topics our alt-Mentors will be advising on.


40+ alt-Mentors Hail From…

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Former Army Infantry Officer

“The importance of dreaming is universal. 

Man without vision shall perish. It is important for us men to keep dreaming. Not just for ourselves, but for our families. Mission to Launch levels you up and teaches you how to dream without losing sight of your faith.”



Former FOCUS missionary

“If you are anything like me and you have big dreams but are a little afraid to tap into them and pursue them, I highly recommend signing up for Mission to Launch. It’s equipped me to believe in myself like never before. I am currently living in my dream by working at a Catholic fashion company in New York City.

Mission to launch will continue to form you and will help you get to the end goal of your dreams.”



FOCUS Missionary

“Its something I’ve been praying and contemplating in the last few weeks and I realize that i don’t dream big enough 

I often put God in a little box. I allow my fears and own comforts to limit the ways that he's (God) desiring to use my life. 

It [Mission to Launch course] allowed me to put to words in a very eloquent and articulate way the ways that I can be asking more of God, but also has given me concrete ways to move forward.”