
Origin Story

Mission to Launch was Born Out of the Belief that We Were Created By God For Greatness Not Scarcity.


Who is it for?

This is for the men and women who desire to move to a new career either from Ministry or another career avenue but were never given the resources to do so.

Maybe you feel stuck, or maybe you are being moved elsewhere.

Either way, we’ve been there. These are the classes we wish existed and the mentors we wish we had access to when we were going through a transition.

We’ve noticed a pattern in those who study at top Catholic/Christian Universities and earn a degree in Theology, Biblical Studies, Humanities, or Liberal Arts: They were never given the tools to thrive in anything BUT ministry or education.


Cue the creation of


We have witnessed success stories from those who have transitioned from ministry to non-profit to entrepreneurship, we use a combination of first-hand experience and industry experts to create this dynamic program.

Unique to Us

  • Skill Learning Courses

  • Mentors that reflect the reality of the universality of the Christian world (60% of Mentors are Hispanic)

  • Unprecedented Access to High-Level Mentors to Guide You in Your Transition

  • Mentors include an NBA team Owner, Private Equity Executives, Venture Capitalists, Executives from Boeing, NASA, Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, notable entrepreneurs, and graduates from Harvard/Stanford Business Schools.